This comprehensive marketing package created for Partner Software helped the event reach capacity through a combination of custom registration site, weekly eblasts through MailChimp, and social media.
In addition, several items were custom-designed including an event sign, name tags, door hangers, and a PowerPoint Template.
It all started with the theme of Peak Potential. This phrase is applied as Partner Software caters to the utility industry with mapping software. The training session is intended to bring new users up to speed with hands-on instruction over 3 days, leading them to their peak potential.
Next, I created a series of sketches that were then developed into digital mockups. Color themes were established and tag lines were added. These were further refined into the final logo here.

The next step involved setting up a registration site. This included an event overview, registration links, a daily training schedule, a map and hotel links, and a contact form.
Once completed this sub-site was linked to the main Partner Software sales site and work began on a series of eblasts to market the campaign.
Eblasts were sent weekly with topics ranging from event announcements, and early-bird pricing, to guest speakers, and finally a low ticket alert and final push with a company newsletter. The content of these eblasts was also dispersed on Partner’s social media alongside internal e-mails.
The consistent look of the campaign and measured marketing strategy made for a successful event that reached capacity weeks ahead of the event.
I also produced a PowerPoint template to be used during the training that included the branded intro, customizable internal pages, and outro slide.
I also worked with a local print to design and order a foam event sign. This was a great chance to explore the branding at a larger scale of 3’x3′.
Finally, just prior to the event I created a set of branded name tags for staff and clients at the training.
Contact Stabercrombie Design if you need a top-to-bottom marketing campaign. These can include logos and branding, print materials, name tags, websites, e-mail marketing, signage, social media graphics, PowerPoint, and more!