I rebuilt PartnerSoftware.com in 2021 and assisted with migrating it to a new host. In early 2022 I began a series of projects to index the new site and improve page performance.
Weekly performance tests were done using the tools at PageSpeed Insights (web.dev). Each section of the results was used to isolate specific issues with slow-loading pages, assess core vitals, improve accessibility, and adhere to best practices.
The screenshot here represents scores at the beginning of the project in June 2022.
Many images were re-sized and optimized, CSS and JavaScript were minified and deferred, page elements were reduced and simplified, fonts optimized, and text and link contrast were improved.
The results for mobile and desktop improved greatly by August 2023.

Contact me for a project consultation. – Stabercrombie Design
I can offer SEO improvement solutions at reasonable rates and produce results in a timeline that fits your budget.