Owens Family Help Fund

It is with great sadness that we say goodbye to my dear sister Lisa Owens and her husband Nathan. Lisa was the only member of my biological family that I had a connection with, so her loss is a very deep one. We both came from a tumultuous childhood filled with poverty and selfish parents, and it took a lot for us to grow up at all.

She was a great mother to her 4 children and countless pets. I have been proud of her as she tried in many ways to grow herself as a person. I was super proud when she completed her GED, joining me in just a handful in our family to complete High School.

I never wanted children of my own, but after the birth of her first Daughter, I slowly began to re-evaluate my ideas. I saw through her how wonderful being a parent could be. I believe that deep down I may have been afraid that having children would mean a repeat of the horrible childhoods we endured, but she helped me understand that you can create your own chapter in the book of family. It doesn’t have to be how it was.

In recent years we grew even closer during ever-escalating family feuds. We even collaborated on a creative project. Lisa created characters and stories for a line of children’s books called Finn & Shiloh. It made me feel so good to see how proud she was that her idea became a real book that she could share with the world.

This last year was another positive turning point when Lisa and Nathan bought their first home. We would text back and forth for days as she looked for and put bids on houses. Again I was so proud that she was aiming for a better life.

Lisa and Nathan will be missed. They are very important parts of my family and they have my word that I will be there for their children. You can help by making a donation to Venmo and other outlets below.


Or by sending a donation to William on Zelle by using the e-mail owens@peasncarrots.us

Also, 100% of all proceeds from Finn & Shiloh will direct to the family as well.

Finn & Shiloh 2

Finn & Shiloh 1