Sometimes it is easy to be so artistic and expressive that you forget how to be human. This sort of happened to me. I have devoted my musical focus to artists that push the envelope and break the expectation barrier, so a lot of my music has tried to emulate these values. In other words

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Photoshopped Lake of Ice with Red Overlay

365/2020 PROJECT

I made a choice to publish some kind of creative project every day in 2020. I did this for a few reasons. My entire life has been a steady balance of visual arts and music up until 2010. That year my Daughter was born and my parental instincts told me to focus on commercial art and put the music on hold. This was all fine until around 2018 when I noticed a buildup of stress and general displeasure with life. I kept trying to approach it from a clinical mentality. Get more exercise, eat better, meditate… all beneficial in their own ways, but something was still missing.

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